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Scotty Battistoni -SO Photography | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Welcome to the world as viewed through my eyes.
All images are the personal property of Scotty Battistoni "SO Photography©".
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Tangier Island
:: Tangier Island ::
A little taste of Shenandoah
:: A little taste of Shenandoah ::
Beautiful Mushrooms and Fungi of Northern Virginia
:: Beautiful Mushrooms and Fungi of Northern Virginia ::
Photos when I can !
:: Photos when I can ! ::
Water Drops
:: Water Drops ::
Black and White photography
:: Black and White photography ::
Some of my Favorite photos
:: Some of my Favorite photos ::
MCAS Quantico United States Marine Corp. Heritage Museum
:: MCAS Quantico United States Marine Corp. Heritage Museum ::
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum-Udvar Hazy Building
:: Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum-Udvar Hazy Building ::
Water Ways
:: Water Ways ::
Random Thoughts
:: Random Thoughts ::
:: Animals ::
People in Motion
:: People in Motion ::
Mt. Vernon-George Washington's Home
:: Mt. Vernon-George Washington's Home ::
Rusty Metal and Chipping Paint
:: Rusty Metal and Chipping Paint ::
Cars and Bikes
:: Cars and Bikes ::
:: Birds ::
Abstract Photos
:: Abstract Photos ::
Athletes in Motion
:: Athletes in Motion ::
Treefrogs, Frogs, and Toads
:: Treefrogs, Frogs, and Toads ::
Will and Jacquelyn's wedding
:: Will and Jacquelyn's wedding ::
Early Morning Clouds
:: Early Morning Clouds ::
Warbirds over Virginia Beach Airshow 2009
:: Warbirds over Virginia Beach Airshow 2009 ::
:: Flowers ::
Insects and Spiders
:: Insects and Spiders ::
Steve and Bella's Engagement Party
:: Steve and Bella's Engagement Party ::
Scale Model Airplanes
:: Scale Model Airplanes ::
Photographing computer generated light.
:: Photographing computer generated light. ::
Tuscany region of Italy
:: Tuscany region of Italy ::