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Pbase As she gently sleeps I write November 16 2010 1 of 1.jpg

As she gently sleeps, I write.

Gabi, 13 years old and a gentle soul ..

Leica X1
1/125s f/3.5 at 24.0mm iso800 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time16-Nov-2010 11:44:46
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length24 mm
Exposure Time1/125 sec
ISO Equivalent800
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programmanual (1)
Focus Distance1.260 m

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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optimist22-Nov-2010 04:13
The quality of light in this is outstanding.
Jackdad17-Nov-2010 19:24
she looks very cosy
laine17-Nov-2010 11:25
She is so lovely...and lucky to have a good carer like you :)
Coleen Perilloux Landry17-Nov-2010 00:37
Awww, sweet Gabi. It is amazing that she has survived all these years with her blindness.