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Sunrise on August 6 2005 p.jpg

First rays of Light
August 6 2005

Nikon D70
1/60s f/5.6 at 22.0mm hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time06-Aug-2005 05:53:39
ModelNIKON D70
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length22 mm
Exposure Time1/60 sec
ISO Equivalent
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Sheila16-Aug-2005 13:02
Another pretty sunrise with a touch of drama!
Jackdad06-Aug-2005 22:06
Beautiful sunrise! No lie-in this morning, then? ;-)
Argishti Khachik06-Aug-2005 15:57
Guest 06-Aug-2005 13:42
Great capture...Gary O
Herb 06-Aug-2005 13:33
Very nice
Guest 06-Aug-2005 12:59
Love the rays of sunlight beaming through the clouds. Nice composition, too.
Larry Ahern06-Aug-2005 11:17
Very pretty
Glendower06-Aug-2005 11:17
Great light - nice image.