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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> sunrises_in_2005 > Sunrise on August 16 No 2 p.jpg
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Sunrise on August 16 No 2 p.jpg

Picture of the Week for week # 33, only 18 more weeks!

Nikon D70
1/1000s f/4.5 at 38.0mm hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time16-Aug-2005 06:04:39
ModelNIKON D70
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length38 mm
Exposure Time1/1000 sec
ISO Equivalent
Exposure Bias-0.50
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Arno Meintjes Wildlife26-Feb-2006 13:12
Monte Dodge11-Dec-2005 17:11
Nice photo! This is a poster!! Monte PS thanks for your kind words on my shot....
Guest 05-Dec-2005 21:16
Gorgeous sunrise. Lovely tone and colour
George Christakos30-Aug-2005 12:11
Very nice photo.
steve mcsweeny20-Aug-2005 06:32
Oh wow! Great shot.Vote.
Guest 18-Aug-2005 04:15
Beautiful! Gorgeous start to the day.
Mindy McNaugher18-Aug-2005 03:10
Fabulous sunrise! Stunning colors and wonderful reflections! Very inviting image!
Manfred Bachmann17-Aug-2005 19:57
Marvelous image, beautiful mood and colors!
Guest 17-Aug-2005 06:41
whoa, very nice
Steven Jusczyk17-Aug-2005 06:24
Gorgeous shot! Worth getting up for.
Guest 16-Aug-2005 21:53
Josy's Pics16-Aug-2005 20:46
Nice sunset.. well done!
Antonis Sarantos16-Aug-2005 20:25
Very beautiful!
ewa toll16-Aug-2005 18:54
magnifique !!
Guest 16-Aug-2005 18:52
wow .. this is splendid Joanteno.. superb... it looks like a painting..
great capture
viljamix16-Aug-2005 15:54
Absolutely stunning shot with that beautiful early morning light.
Sean Carpenter16-Aug-2005 15:54
Great color. Nice sunrise.
Brian McAllister16-Aug-2005 14:40
Gorgeous morning light. Nice!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography16-Aug-2005 14:27
Very beautiful :)
Sheila16-Aug-2005 12:59
Very pretty scene.
Bill Miller16-Aug-2005 12:57
Lovely, up early today !
Guest 16-Aug-2005 11:15
magical light.