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Pbase Morning Sunrise 3 on October 14 2006.jpg

Favorite picture of the week October 14 to the 21

A shot from yesterday..

Picture of what I am missing from London and shot of the last roses from today.

Nikon D80
1/30s f/4.0 at 28.0mm iso1000 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time14-Oct-2006 06:32:50
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length28 mm
Exposure Time1/30 sec
ISO Equivalent1000
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Emmanuel Panagiotakis28-Oct-2006 20:46
Wow..... very good timing and colors here voted
Bob Floyd25-Oct-2006 23:42
Beautiful! V.
jude25-Oct-2006 14:25
Joan.. this is a dream..
Guest 24-Oct-2006 22:28
Beautifully composed. Voted
Jean Chiasson22-Oct-2006 18:42
Wow nice image bravo vote
optimist21-Oct-2006 01:07
shatterbug20-Oct-2006 17:54
Great shot! V.
Guest 20-Oct-2006 02:20
Remarkable!!!!!!! ....V
Naomi 19-Oct-2006 12:54
Very nice, Joan.
Buz Kiefer19-Oct-2006 11:03
Wonderful image. Vote.
Karen Leaf18-Oct-2006 15:18
Add another, must have missed this first time round.
GREAT great shot, Joan!
Guest 18-Oct-2006 11:24
Mindy McNaugher18-Oct-2006 02:27
Joan, this is AWESOME!! Stunning photo! Vote!
Sheila18-Oct-2006 00:03
Didn't see this sorry.
One of your very best I think. It is superb.
Sue Robertson17-Oct-2006 22:47
Absolutely beautiful image. Well done. v
Guest 17-Oct-2006 11:48
WOW joan this is sublime. Vote
Katie Chew17-Oct-2006 01:54
Stunning image! V
Antonis Sarantos16-Oct-2006 18:56
Bravo and bravo again! V.
Stu16-Oct-2006 17:39
Beautiful picture. Those pastel colours are great, especially like the way they converge around the boats.
Art Parnell16-Oct-2006 14:04
Beautiful image. The background lights really accentuate the fog.
Beverly Wickersham16-Oct-2006 11:13
Beautiful shot.
Linda Willets16-Oct-2006 03:32
wow.. vote
Bryan Ramsay16-Oct-2006 03:32
Awesome shot! GMV -BJ
Guest 16-Oct-2006 03:17
I concur with the rest, great moody image.
Guest 16-Oct-2006 02:30
Wow! Fantastic shot! What a capture!!!
Greg Harp16-Oct-2006 02:20
Gorgeous. GMV
Herb 16-Oct-2006 01:43
Nice image
lgprice16-Oct-2006 01:30
beautiful light and composition
Jill16-Oct-2006 01:23
A masterpiece.
Sam Stevenson15-Oct-2006 23:45
Beautiful shot.
Douglas Stucky15-Oct-2006 23:11
I like it!! Beautiful!!
Dan Chusid15-Oct-2006 22:46
Beautiful treatment.
Jola Dziubinska15-Oct-2006 22:41
A stunner, Joan, voted. Does look like a painting.
Guest 15-Oct-2006 22:28
Looks like a rich painting!! beautiful! vote
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography15-Oct-2006 22:24
Beautiful shot :)
Dennis Warren15-Oct-2006 22:05
I really like the mood you captured here. This is a real keeper.
Guest 15-Oct-2006 22:03
Exceptional image, well planned, perfectly executed. Vote