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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> October 2007 > Pbase Sunrise on October 15 2007 DSC_0591.jpg
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Pbase Sunrise on October 15 2007 DSC_0591.jpg

Sunrise, but not to happy with the shot - hoping that VR would help, but needed to use a higher shutter speed.


An explanation of Andy (Aka Northstar) comment from Wickipedia

In the vernacular, "Doppelgänger" has come to refer (as in German) to any double or look-alike of a person—most commonly an "evil twin". The essential meaning of the German word is "doublewalker", someone who is walking the same way as another person does.

What a vocabulary!! Hats off to Northstar!

Nikon D80
1/60s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso400 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time15-Oct-2007 06:37:46
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length300 mm
Exposure Time1/60 sec
ISO Equivalent400
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Katie Chew16-Oct-2007 14:50
Beautiful. V
Bryan Murahashi16-Oct-2007 05:51
Beautiful sunrise capture.
Guest 16-Oct-2007 00:55
Tough conditions but great composition. V
laine8215-Oct-2007 23:30
Still a pretty scene, Joan