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John Sims | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
I have been in photography since I was 15y/o that was back in 1973.
over these years I have shot a fiew thousants of pictures. Digital has changed the way we thing about photography with ways of displaying and sharing.

Best Regards,
Bela Vista
< Bela Vista >
Spring poppies
< Spring poppies >
Chania in Crete 2007
< Chania in Crete 2007 >
Simply Black and White
< Simply Black and White >
Whipsnade Zoo England 2006
< Whipsnade Zoo England 2006 >
The Sky is Beautiful
< The Sky is Beautiful >
Maxim a man's best friend
< Maxim a man's best friend >
High Dynamic Range Project
< High Dynamic Range Project >
A hot day arround the Library in Athens
< A hot day arround the Library in Athens >
L & G
< L & G >
Amsterdam August 2006
< Amsterdam August 2006 >
Amsterdam 2006 in Black and White
< Amsterdam 2006 in Black and White >
My walk arround Hyde Park in London August 2006
< My walk arround Hyde Park in London August 2006 >
My walk arround Hyde Park in London August 2006 in BW
< My walk arround Hyde Park in London August 2006 in BW >
Attica Zoological Park 2006
< Attica Zoological Park 2006 >
canon 50mm 1.8 lens test
< canon 50mm 1.8 lens test >
ÔÜîç ôïõ 76
< ÔÜîç ôïõ 76 >
London Eye in Sepia 2006
< London Eye in Sepia 2006 >
Olympic Games 2004 Tennis
< Olympic Games 2004 Tennis >
Plastic Wrap
< Plastic Wrap >
< delphi >