Message from Kees Terberg
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I am Dutch by origin and reside in France since the end of 2006 when I purchased a renovation property in the Gironde. Plans have been to set up an art gallery, cafe and guest accommodation with photographic courses but most of those have been put on ice for now. I am registered as a professional photographer and I am aware that many of my images are currently in circulation on the web. I am NOT withdrawing my work and yes, you can still download the images but please do respect my copyright. If you wish to use my work commercially, there are rates that apply. For blogs and personal pages, please ensure that my work is properly signed with my logo and provide me with a link to the site. It is better to ask for permission than to hear from my lawyer who works on a contingency basis.
Updates can be found on my website:
or by clicking on the following link:
The snaps posted here are scenes which I saw, enjoyed, took for myself and friends
and now enjoy sharing with people who share a similar interest.
Some of the worlds greatest artists have established themselves
on this site and they will never cease to inspire me. Some of them
can be found in my "Favourite Artists" but there are so many more
whom I just need to discover. I guess that that is my main reason
for having joined this social and artistic community and I love it.
The equipment I use: ..........................a camera*
* One of those ingenious things that allows light to be captured on
a sensitive medium. What you see is what you freeze in time and those are
moments that you can share. It really does not matter what "brand"
of equipment you use. Some of my pics were taken on a Swedish MF,
others on a Russian toy camera. All camera's do pretty much the same
thing; to capture a vision and allow you to share that with others.
Thanks for reading about me but please check out my snapshots instead.
I am a visual person and my story, my personality and my passion should
be reasonably well defined in the various galleries posted here. ENJOY!