Jard-sur-Mer and the immediate vincinity ::Gallery:: by Philippe M. Chemin
South of France Oct 04 Part 1 by Michael Buckeridge
Volatiles by emmanuel LB
7 îles (2011) by Gerardo Paredes
France - Normandy / Normandie by Marwan Habib
La rivičre de Crac'h (La Trinité-sur-Mer) en Zodiac avec Yvon et des points de vues depuis la berge by Patrick DEBETENCOURT
Products by Kees Terberg
Last night in Paris by Francis Toussaint
Mont Saint Eloi by roger fournier
2007 - Visite de la mine de charbon Delloye ŕ Lewarde by Patrick DEBETENCOURT
Normandy 2018 by dmastny
Some days around Arcachon by Raphael_E