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pbase 18 year old Scotch June 23 2010 1 of 1.jpg

An 18 year old bottle of scotch

On the eve of my birthday while enjoying this 18 year old single malt scotch, I am asking my self what was I doing 18 years ago - when this scotch began its journey.

18 years ago, I was moving into a new rental in beautiful Hanover, NH. I got my first dog, Magoo - a real sweet, yellow lab. My career was largely an unknown, but I was working on one of the largest studies conducted on end of life care in the US (price tag of $28 million dollars). Very lucky to play pivotal role and publish many papers. Now about 150 papers later, so much has changed and so much in health care has not changed. The best things are my two beautiful nieces, I rediscovered the joys of photography, and 85% of time I really do work that I am committed too and very passionate. What is not know is whether we have a better health care system in my older years?

So I going to savor this scotch and this crazy dog (Moki) who is running around the yard with piece of orange canvas that is his passion in life.


Leica X1
1/60s f/3.5 at 24.0mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time23-Jun-2010 18:20:13
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length24 mm
Exposure Time1/60 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias-0.30
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance0.390 m

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Johnny JAG25-Jun-2010 19:41
Nappy Burpday! Sorry I missed the party.
Jackdad24-Jun-2010 20:56
Many happy returns Joan. Enjoy your day.
Máire Uí Mhaicín24-Jun-2010 10:52
As the Scots and Irish would understand one another when whisky is imbibed I wish you "Sláinte" on your birthday.
laine24-Jun-2010 10:38
Happy birthday Joan. I'm sure you have done some marvelous work & elderly care is vital.
Enjoy your birthday scotch!!
Coleen Perilloux Landry23-Jun-2010 23:05
I'll have a drink of that with you--to your health!!! You're right--health care is probably worse than when this Scotch began its journey--not probably, I know it is. The new methods are better, but the care is worse.