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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2005 >> calender_2006 > Park Bench Cogdon Park Feb 19 2005.jpg
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Park Bench Cogdon Park Feb 19 2005.jpg

Panasonic DMC-LC1
1/30s f/4.0 at 7.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 01-Apr-2007 02:17
Martha Albuquerque08-Dec-2006 00:26
beautiful indeed. v
Guest 29-Jan-2006 11:19
Beatuitful shot.
Andrys Basten14-Nov-2005 09:55
Beautiful feel and colors (and not oversaturated too).
Guest 13-Nov-2005 04:11
Yeah ! I love this capture !
Manfred Bachmann23-Oct-2005 11:51
Fantastic light and atmosphere!
nomada27-Sep-2005 19:04
Excellent light. Really nice capture
Guest 16-Apr-2005 11:41
the light is wonderful
Antonis Sarantos20-Feb-2005 07:47
Very nice light and perspective.
Guest 20-Feb-2005 07:24
nice light
Janet Lamont20-Feb-2005 00:55
Very nice. I like the perspective and the warm afternoon lighting.
jude20-Feb-2005 00:17
Love the late afternoon light on the bench and the PoV.
Guest 19-Feb-2005 23:51
This is very good, quiet and peaceful