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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture of the Day 2006 >> November 2006 > My human is home November 18 2006.jpg
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My human is home November 18 2006.jpg

I am back.. Wonderful trip to Salzburg, Austria

Java with his new collar from Austria..

Nikon D80
1/60s f/5.0 at 27.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sheila21-Nov-2006 10:33
Excellent exposure on his fur.
Jackdad19-Nov-2006 18:45
he looks very smart!
ewa toll19-Nov-2006 09:39
it fits him well ! welcome home Joan
Pic Chick19-Nov-2006 06:59
Oh I'll bet there was alot of happy dog dancing in your home! What a cool collar!