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joanteno | all galleries >> Portraits of Family and Friends >> Joan H >> Daily shots of my neice from Europe 2007 > pbase Joan on June 17 Mac Bike Shop L1000144.jpg
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pbase Joan on June 17 Mac Bike Shop L1000144.jpg

It rained in Amsterdam today, but I have a wonderful time. For a long while, I have admired the wonderful photographs of Björn Upcott (see Also, he does wonderful reports on compact cameras. Björn and Lindsey kindly showed us around De Hortus ( a beautiful botanical garderns in Amsterdam). Next, we shopped till we dropped and ate at a wonderful Arabic resturant.

Pictures from the day!

For a growing gallery of shots from Amsterdam - please click HERE for more shots from Amsterdam

please click HERE for my neices shots from Amsterdam

Leica D-Lux 3
1/40s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 18-Jun-2007 18:05
All my Pbase friends are in great places!!!!
Excellent images Joan, you must be having fun shopping too :)
Karen Stuebing18-Jun-2007 16:08
Great series of shots. Sounds like you're having fun despite the rain.
Guest 18-Jun-2007 06:37
So you're in the Dam, huh? Always wanted to go there. This is a very cool perspective shot! Keep 'em coming! We're leaving a couple of bottles of Brunello di Montelcino for you down here, but not many!
Jackdad18-Jun-2007 02:06
sounds like a great day!
Bryan Ramsay18-Jun-2007 01:59
Looks like a good time! -BJ
Guest 18-Jun-2007 01:29
Another great shot! She is SO photogenic! V
Linda Alstead17-Jun-2007 20:44
love this - really quirky and good - sounds like you're having wonderful fun
Johnny JAG17-Jun-2007 19:44
It always rains in Amsterdam, that's why it's below sea level, it's sinking ;-)
Nice set of shots.