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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2008 > pbase Feb 2 2008 Setting Moon over Mt Hope Bridge DSC_3395.jpg
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pbase Feb 2 2008 Setting Moon over Mt Hope Bridge DSC_3395.jpg

Mt. Hope Bridge, Bristol Rhode Island

Nikon D300
1/250s f/8.0 at 70.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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JW09-Feb-2008 19:30
Perfect composition! V
maryellen 07-Feb-2008 00:25
I love the moon.Very peaceful
Guest 06-Feb-2008 21:20
Wow - this is absolutely stunning - v!!
optimist04-Feb-2008 04:01
Great work!
Karen Stuebing03-Feb-2008 13:33
This one is stunning. Great composition and exposure. V.
Della Huff03-Feb-2008 08:07
Beautiful! The color and composition are great.
snootydog03-Feb-2008 03:23
This is absolutely fantastic.
Sheila03-Feb-2008 01:05
Beautiful scene. Great composition.
royalld02-Feb-2008 21:41
Awesome composition, lighting, and color.
Guest 02-Feb-2008 21:40
Guest 02-Feb-2008 19:48
Excellent composition. A clean, simple, and effective image.
Marco Valk02-Feb-2008 19:28
fantastic image; v
Katie Chew02-Feb-2008 18:57
Beautiful! V
ewa toll02-Feb-2008 18:30
Sharon Rogers02-Feb-2008 18:28
super composition
Chris Thorpe02-Feb-2008 17:46
Great composition and low light exposure!~V~
Jackdad02-Feb-2008 16:06
the moon is the finishing touch!
Breland02-Feb-2008 16:03
Terrific composition Joan. Nice exposure!
Guest 02-Feb-2008 15:38
Beautiful light, nice perspective.
Johnny JAG02-Feb-2008 15:21
Bryan Ramsay02-Feb-2008 13:56
Gorgeous Joan!! -BJ V