Labadee, Haiti by Heinrich Lohmann
Visions of Haiti - February 2003 by BJ
Jean Adrien Siede by hdf_art
Labadee, Haiti by Heinrich Lohmann
Keke Hipolit by hdf_art
2007 Haiti Mission Trip by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene
Bidonville - Photos Port-au-Prince. Cap-Haïtien. Saint-Marc... (Att. Copyright) by IHAM- CHRD
Labadee, Haiti by Heinrich Lohmann
HAITI N&B by Tveig
2010 Feb Haiti by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene
Forts Jacques and Alexandre by DiploStrat
(click here to see pictures taken by Nancy) by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene